Personal Injury

Do you have the makings of a successful case?
To have a successful case you must show that some person, party, or organization did something or failed to do something that caused you a personal injury or destroyed your property.
Factors which influence your chances of success:
- Whether an individual, company, or other organization acted in a negligent, careless, or malicious fashion.
- Whether there is enough evidence to link that action or inaction with your injuries or damages.
- Whether your attorney can construct a compelling case backed by prior case law, witness statements, expert testimony, and other critical evidence.
Accident victims or their family members can do themselves a disservice by discounting their potential chance of success. For example, if an at-fault driver is uninsured many victims feel that they will not be able to collect a judgment even if their case is successful. A deeper investigation might reveal that an employer, manufacturer, or other third party bears some responsibility for the accident. Don't speculate - it costs you nothing to contact me to discover whether you have a case.